Fabulous Fur Header
Mowthorpe Hill Dog Boarding
Fabulous Fur Header
07870 282 121


Bookings are not confirmed until the dog information form and the booking agreement are returned along with a deposit of 50% of the total cost of the stay.
Bookings are subject to a trial familiarisation session to ensure both parties are satisfied with the arrangement. You or the boarder may cancel the booking by notifying the other party within 48 hours of the session. If bookings are cancelled in this period, the deposit will be refunded.

Your deposit is non-refundable if you cancel your booking.

About Your Dog
You agree to provide full and accurate information about your dog’s needs and notify the boarder of any changes to the details provided. You must disclose any behaviour that may impact on your dog’s care including, but not limited to, aggression, incontinence, destructive behaviour and separation anxiety.
All dogs must be up to date with vaccinations, flea treatment and worming and provide a vaccination certificate at the start of the boarding period.
Dogs should arrive clean and healthy, excluding any medical conditions previously notified.
The boarder cannot accept dogs that have shown aggression towards people or other animals, or any dogs registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
The boarder cannot accept any bitches in season or due to be in season during the boarding period.

Your Dog’s Stay
Sufficient food and supplies must be provided for your dog’s stay. Should additional supplies be needed, you agree to reimburse the boarder when you collect your dog.
If your dog becomes unwell or has an accident during boarding the boarder will obtain prompt veterinary treatment. You will be liable for the cost of any veterinary treatment.
If your dog shows aggression towards the boarder, their family or other dogs, or their behaviour is uncontrollable or an unreasonable nuisance the boarder will contact the emergency contact you specify and ask them to collect your dog. If this is not possible, they will be placed in boarding kennels for the remainder of their stay: you will be liable for the cost of kennels.